Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Reading float or int values from a form element(text field) in jsp into the java script

I was really stuck with this one and so when I found out a solution , I thought of posting it.

Now , when you have to read the value from a text box in a form in jsp using a java script , what you get is the first value , i.e

consider a form called to_delivery and consider a text field value in it called to_dispatch, now to get the value of to_dispatch in a java script you use ,

  qty = document.to_delivery.to_dispatch1.value;

The problem here is that it would give only the first number in the text feild, i.e if to_dispatch has a value of 78 , the variable qty will have only 7.

To fix this use the following code

 qty = parseFloat(document.to_delivery.to_dispatch1.value);

The trick is using parseFloat or parseInt  to get the correct value.

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